terça-feira, 24 de novembro de 2009

Dan les yeux d'Alain Delon

Posted in by Avia | Edit
There is always someone doing something cool in the some corner of the world!

It is a photographer who travel around the word, taking pictures everyday with people wearing Alain Delon's sunglasses, from 1 Jan 2009 to 31 Dec 2009. The purpose is to pay photographic homage to Mr Alain Delon's sunglasses.

Dans les Yeux d'Alain Delon: http://www.danslesyeuxdalaindelon.com/
Blog information(with Portuguese)

Landing page

Alain Delon today


  1. Luis Ângelo Vigil says:

    Yes, Avia. Very cool: the worl is full of nice things. Really, this is one of them.

    24 de novembro de 2009 às 17:29

  2. Avia says:

    Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

    24 de novembro de 2009 às 20:43

  3. Danico

    mto boa a ideia e as fotos.

    30 de novembro de 2009 às 08:20