Continued with
the last post about LongXi Awards, I wanna share some of my favorite works from Timesawards 2009. (Timesawards is founded in 1978 by Chinatimes, the largest media group in Taiwan. It’s the also one of the most important index in Chinese advertising industry with longest history today.)
The golden prize in my mind!
第三十二屆時報廣告金像獎「影片類飲料項銀像獎」– 青島啤酒-一家之酒全系列(夫妻、男朋友、姑嫂、父子、同事、老夫妻、爺爺篇) (各40秒版)在 MyCFbook.com - 廣告王 上面找更多類似的影音廣告Click here to read more from Avia
Cleber Rafael de Campos says:
2 de dezembro de 2009 às 21:12
Cleber Rafael de Campos says:
it`s interesting to note that the works aren`t limited to our advertising time standards of 15/30/60".
obviously i understood nothing of the ads... but in my opinion due to lack of the time standard this jobs don`t have what we call "timing". that is the exact point between telling a good story with entertainment before boring someone.
i believe that the oriental advertising would gain a lot with shorter comercials in the same way ocidental would gain too with larger ones.
thanks for it avia, could you post some print media (i love print media) with legends in english?
kisses and hugs to everyone
ps: apaguei o meu primeiro post pq tinha erros de inglês prejudicando o entendimento... esse deve ter tb... mas acho que dá pra entender... hehehe
2 de dezembro de 2009 às 21:15